Monday, Nov 11, 2013
Vehicle and Flag Displays
Veterans Week Events at UWM the week of November 11, 2013 began with a display of small flags in Spaights Plaza. Each flag represented a student veteran or service member currently enrolled at UWM. Thanks to UWM ROTC students and personnel who provided access and inspection to military vehicles throughout the day.
![Flags on Campus](
![Veterans Week](
“Serving Those Who Serve” Breakfast
Veterans Week Events continued with breakfast for UWM student veterans. “Serving Those Who Serve” was the theme as breakfast was served to the student veterans by campus leadership and community leaders. Volunteer servers for the breakfast were Chancellor – Michael Lovell, Vice Chancellor – Michael Laliberte, Associate Dean of Executive Education – Mark Mone, Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs – Jim Hill, Associate Vice Chancellor – Pat Borger, Interim Vice Chancellor Finance & Administrative Affairs – Robin Van Harpen, Director of Athletics – Amanda Braun, Milwaukee County Veterans Service Office Director – Jim Duff, Deputy Milwaukee Veterans Administration Medical Center Director – James McLain, and Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele.
Thanks to Sgt. Joe Braun from UWM’s ROTC organization, as well as to UWM’s Campus Activities Board for co-sponsoring this event with MAVRC.
“Honoring Our Heroes” in Union Concourse
Tue, Nov 12, 2013
The Military Experience
Military training activities were available for UWM students to learn about the training experiences of soldiers. Students tried on training gear used by soldiers during training and deployments – thanks to the volunteers from UWM’s ROTC group.
Representatives from the American Legion Post #18 were on hand to talk with students about their experiences as well.
In addition, Green Bay Packers Marshall Newhouse and Ryan Taylor came down to participate with students in jousting/pugil sticks, an obstacle course, tug of war, a pull-up bar, and other fun activities.
Thanks to our volunteers from the Student Success Center for their help before and during the event! Thanks also to the UWM Campus Activities Board and Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance for sponsoring this event with MAVRC. Beverages were donated by UWM Restaurant Operations.
The Film Event
The documentary “Restrepo” was presented by MAVRC in an effort to provide examples of real-life experiences of combat to non-military students so they might gain knowledge and understanding about the type of life led during deployment by some of their student veteran and service member classmates.
In an NPR interview one viewer of the documentary stated “This movie gives you a window into the journey that these men – our troops – took when we sent them there. It’s the first time I understood what that really means” (NPR, 6/20/2010)
After the film viewing, MAVRC staff welcomed former veteran, UWM alumni and “Project Runway” contestant, Miranda Levy for conversation with local area veterans and student veterans about the type of experiences shown in the documentary. Levy sparked a lively conversation on the topic of the lives of US service members during deployment. Student veterans spoke about what daily life was like while deployed in similar situations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
New clothing designs by Miranda Levy, inspired by her military experience!
Wed, Nov 13, 2013
A Focus on Careers
Sherri Pfennig, Senior Counselor and Assistant Director of Career Counseling and UWM’s Career Development Center (CDC) partnered with MAVRC staff to lead a speed resume development session for student veterans on campus.
Sherri and other staff met with each veteran for 15 minutes and answered questions, provided feedback, and made suggestion changes or additions to student veterans resumes.
Sherri is available for career counseling at the CDC or one afternoon a week at MAVRC by appointment.
Thu, Nov 14, 2013
Brown Bag Lunch
The Center for International Education (CIE) hosted a discussion for student veterans to share some of their international and cross-cultural experiences and perspectives over lunch in the Union. Nicole Palasz along with other CIE staff hosted the brown bag lunch experience.
Fri, Nov 15, 2013
Gaming Day and Tournament
MAVRC and UWM co-sponsors, The Eighth Note Coffee Shop and the Student Association led a gaming event for all students. Students paid $10 to play numerous video games and participated in a gaming tournament. Proceeds from the event went to a local community veterans organization, and two lucky players won copies of the new video game, Call of Duty: Ghosts. Food and drink donations were received from Cousin’s Subs and American Euros.